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Chicago's Experimental Poetry Community

The Importance of an Internet Poetry Website

Are you looking for a business/artistic opportunity that involves the Internet? Does owning your own company turn you on? You are not alone. How is this for an idea: create an online poetry library in which you publish original poems. You don't pay for the poems, but instead offer authors free backlinks to their websites. Then, for a modest investment, purchase a Page Rank 3 or higher website and run links from it. By monetizing the website (i.e., selling click-through adss) you can set up a cash flow that might repay you for your initial outlay and then some.

You would want to recruit poets as your content sources. Thousands of people around the globe like to write about and discuss the latest poems and trends in poetry. This can be their outlet. Unlike other portals, you have minimal costs because you won't pay for poems. In fact, you might even charge a small fee for publishing material, the way done by some article libraries.

How do you get an online poem library site started? Here are some pointers:

  1. Hosting: Begin with WordPress website hosting. Simply purchase an expiring PR3 domain from an online auctioneer. Then find a WordPress hosting website and set up there. You will want to tack on a theme to WordPress – themes come in a wide variety of styles and are usually available for free.
  2. Content: Write a daily blog highlighting one or more interesting facets about poetry that currently vie for your attention. Don't be a sloppy writer: shun errors of punctuation, spelling, grammar and usage. People will not read your blog if it is poorly written, so if you want assistance, hire a professional freelance writer to edit your material. You can locate one through a Google search. Choose a writer that promises a satisfaction guarantee. In addition to your blog, you then post other people's poems for a nominal fee and supply the author with a backlink from your PR3 site.
  3. Backlinks: You need readers and poets in order to make the effort work. Your content, as compelling as it is, won't be sufficient to insure a large number of visitors. For that you will require backlinks, which are hypertext links from another site to yours. The other site should be considered authoritative (possess a Page Rank of five or higher) so that part of its Page Rank splashes onto your site – this boosts your Page Rank and your search engine performance. By carefully purchasing PR5 and higher backlinks, you can rocket to Page One of the search engine results for your selected keyword(s). You can buy backlinks from an online site that sells them. A link package may run a few hundred dollars, but that's a well worth it and will lead to greatly increased traffic. The rest is in your hands.